Wow, time is flying by so quickly! I don't know how the month of October is already gone. I thought I should probably update quickly! I only have 6 more weeks here in Kenya, then I'll get to update you all in person! Yay!
School is going well. We have this week off for the standard 8 students to take their huge exams. This is the deciding factor for possibly moving on to High School. They are taking exams Monday through Thursday. The rest of the school has those days off from school so that the 8th graders will not be distracted. During this time, I will be working at the SIM office and also taking some ministry days to visit other ministries. I'll let you know when those plans are solidified. We will start the exams for the rest of the school on Friday, and that will continue through next week.
The end of the school term is November 26th.
Other than that, I'm keeping busy with 5 roommates...4 from Germany, and 1 from India. What an experience to have so many cultures around all the time! I love the people here, and I will really miss them when I leave! I"m super excited to see my friends and family again, especially around the holidays!
THanks for your prayers, and I'll try to update again shortly!