Sorry for the delay in updates. My travel went very smoothly. I found my way around each airport, and there were no delays! I sat by myself for the first flight, sat by a girl from Sri Lanka on the second, a US government worker on the 3rd, a German Theology professor on the 4th, and a French couple that live in Nairobi on the final leg of the trip. I had some great conversations, and some legs went so quickly! I got through customs with no hassles, and got a 10-hour night of sleep that night! The picture above is a view of the compound from my bedroom window :D
My week has been fairly busy. I went to the office for 3 days of orientation. I met with different people from all of the ministries and they told me more about what they do. I have met so many people, it's hard to keep them all straight sometimes. Many of them knew Christy when she was here a few years ago. Many of them say I look like her, and I am even called Christy at times :D
I have eaten dinner and spent an evening with most of the families on compound. They are all great!
When I got here on Monday night, the electricity had gone out. What a great 1st experience!!! At that time, I had 3 housemates. One girl left on Thursday. The second left on Saturday morning, and the 3rd will leave me on Tuesday! I will live by myself until August-when 2 German girls are supposed to come.
I visited Kibera *the slums I will be teaching in* on Friday. I will be observing the classes all of next week. I will be able to tell them which classes that I am most comfortable with, and get the curriculum to look over. Right now, it looks like I may be teaching Math and English.
Please pray that I will learn quickly, and have a good memory! I will try to learn all of their names as quickly as I can. I tend to learn names quicker if I learn a few at a time.
I am so very excited for you to experience everything and get to meet everyone in Kenya! The only way it could be better is if i could have gone with you! :-) I hardly recognize the picture of the much has changed since I lived there only 2 years ago! Are you in the new housing? That whole "hut" in the back corner is new! I will be praying for you as you go into Kibera...I remember how overwhelming it can be. But I also remember how precious it was when the children who didn't even know you would run up and want to hold your hands as you walked through Kibera...a lot of joy too. I can't wait to hear more stories and see more pictures. I'll get skype up and running too! Love you dearly!